U of U and Yellowstone Are Fostering the Next Generation of Design Leaders
Fall 2018
“Inspiration isn’t hard to find in Salt Lake City, Utah; one look out the windows of the University of Utah’s campus, and you’re treated to sheer visual splendor. Tall mountains, a clean cityscape, and a whole world of colorful nature within easy reach. While Salt Lake City may seem far from the world’s ‘digital design hotspots’ in the Bay Area and beyond, its location has led to something truly exciting at its university. The University of Utah’s Multi-Disciplinary Design Program is teaching the next generation of product designers to not only take inspiration from the extraordinary nature around them and turn that into beautiful digital products, but to use those digital product design skills to protect that beautiful nature itself.”
This introductory excerpt begins a five-part series by Patrick Faller at Adobe on our Multi-Disciplinary Design Program and its positive, innovative products that improve user experience and education at Yellowstone National Park. The articles cover how the students utilized Adobe XD to bring their ideas to life and to redefine their own techniques for the betterment of nature, people, and healthy cohabitation of the two.
Click the links below to explore all of the articles:
Part 1: How the University of Utah and Yellow Stone Are Fostering the Next Generation of Design Leaders
Part 2: Using Design to Introduce Yellowstone to the World Through Distance Learning
Part 3: Using Design to Redefine Wild and Take a Fresh Approach to Fundraising
Part 4: How University of Utah Students Evolve Along with their Design Process
Part 5: Unlocking Careers and the Potential to Impact Yellowstone for Years to Come